Help Overview
Help Overview

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Within this Help window, information about each screen can be found by clicking the help navigation buttons on the left.


The e-Caisse Internet Banking application, has been designed to be simple and quick to use.


After 9 1/2 minutes of inactivity, the application will automatically log you out and finalize your bill payment session, to insure your safety. Payments entered to that point will be processed as specified.

The Last Three Digits:

When paying a bill you will be prompted to enter the "Last Three Digits" of the bill account number you wish to pay. Entering the last three digits as shown on your paper bill or invoice is important as it allows our system to check that our biller information is up to date for the biller specified, and helps insure accurate processing of your payments.

When making a funds transfer, the "Last Three Digits" corresponds to the last three characters of the recipient's identifier. This is the identifier you entered when you added the funds transfer on the Add/Remove Billers and Recipients screen.

If you do not have the bill account number/identifier available, it will appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the biller/recipient name.

The Amount Field:

When entering the amount you must enter it in dollars and cents, separated by a decimal point, no dollar sign. Example: 15.00

Moving from field to field:

You may use the "Tab" key to move from one field to the next, or "Shift"+"Tab" to move to the previous field.

Where possible, after you have entered the appropriate data, you will be automatically moved to the next field.

The "Enter" key should NOT be used to move from one field to the next. Pressing the Enter key will typically submit the form to our server (the same action as clicking the selected button with your mouse).