An Extra Payment Information screen will appear when you make a payment to one of the following:
Customer Specific Biller
Funds Transfer
Government remittance (except for Personal Income Tax)
Donation to a charity on Telpay's Standard Biller List (e.g. Red Cross)
The information you provide will be sent directly to the biller so that they can correctly apply your payment.
The exact information required will vary depending on the type of payment.
You must complete the information on the screen presented to you and then click on that screen once you have finished entering all of your information. Your payment details will be incomplete until you have completed this process.
Click if you wish to abort a payment and return to the Pay Bills/Transfer Funds screen.
Invoice / Payment Details
This screen is presented when you choose to pay a Customer Specific Biller.
Use the input boxes provided to enter your invoice details. The Invoice Date and Description fields are optional. The Amount field is not required on every line, but at least one amount must be entered.
The total of the amounts you do enter must equal the "Total to be paid".
After entering a line of invoice details in the input boxes provided, you must click . This will transfer your input to the invoice area at the bottom of the screen and clear the input boxes for your next line of invoice information.
You may enter up to 15 lines of invoice information with your payment.
Once you have finished entering your invoice details, click
Funds Transfer
The Funds Transfer screen is presented when you choose to pay a Funds Transfer.
You are requested to confirm the bank account of the person to whom you are transferring money. If necessary, you may change the bank account. The new bank account that you enter will be used for this transfer and any subsequent transfers to this recipient.
The Donations screen is presented so that you can provide the name and address of the person who is to be receipted for the donation. The format is pre-populated with your name/address information from our database. You may use the input boxes to change or correct the information being sent to the charity.
Note that the changes you make to the information on the Donations screen will only affect the data that will be sent to the charity with your payment; it will not affect your name/address information in our database.