Payment History
Payment History

The Payment History screen allows you to view the bill payments and funds transfers processed and credited to your billers/recipients. History is available for the current and previous years.

You must select the dates you wish to search. You may also choose how the report is to be sorted: descending by date (default), ascending by date, or by biller/recipient name.

For your convenience, subtotals are provided on the report (by month for reports sorted by date, and by biller/recipient for reports sorted by name). The Payment History screen is also "printer friendly". If you choose to print it, it will print without graphics and colors.

Payment History Details

Processed Date

These are the dates upon which your payments/transfers were processed and payment made to the biller/recipient specified.


These numbers indicate the Telpay payment session in which you entered these payment details.

Biller/Recipient Name

These are the names of the billers/recipients who you have paid.

The designation (FT) after a name indicates that the entry is a Funds Transfer. A designation of (CS) after a name indicates that the entry is a Customer Specific Biller (as opposed to one from Telpay's Standard Biller List).

Account Number

For bill payments, this column lists the full account number of the biller credited with payment. For funds transfers, it shows the financial institution account number of the recipient.


The amount deducted from your financial institution account and paid to the biller/recipient indicated.